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Christopher Unum I am a software Developer, I write web development tutorials, I also mentor aspiring web developers. s

how to create a countdown timer using html, css and javascript

0d : 0h : 0m : 0s

Having a countdown timer on your website is important when you want to boost engagement and encourage sales of your product. In this tutorial, we will be constructing a simple countdown timer using Html, CSS, and JavaScript.


Now we will use html to create the countdown timer

    <div id="countdown-container">
        <div id="countdown">
            <span id="days">0d</span> : <span id="hours">0h</span> :
            <span id="minutes">0m</span> : <span id="seconds">0s</span>


Styling the Html

#countdown-container {
    displayinline-block/*displays divs on a line*/
    width300px/*gives the div element a width of 300px*/
    margin20px 0/*gives 20px space at the top and bottom of the div element*/
    border-radius5px/*curves the edges of the div element by 5px;*/
    background#1d81af/*gives the div element a background color*/
#countdown {
    font-family"Fira Sans"sans-serif/*changes the text font in the divelement */
    displayinline-block/*displays divs on a line*/
    padding30px/*creates 30px space between the content of the div element and the walls of the div element*/
    colorwhite/*changes the text color in the div element*/

#countdown span {
    font-weightbold/*boldens text in the span element*/
    font-size30px/*changes the text size in the span element*/


With the help of JavaScript, we have been able to make the countdown timer work. What the JavaScript code does is, it converts the days, hours and minutes to seconds and adds everything together. Each time the setInterval function deducts a second, the remaining seconds are converted back to days, hours, minutes and seconds using the convert() method and displayed in the app.

let days = 2//starting number of days
let hours = 0// starting number of hours
let minutes = 2// starting number of minutes
let seconds = 5// starting number of seconds

// converts all to seconds
let totalSeconds =
days * 60 * 60 * 24 + hours * 60 * 60 + minutes * 60 + seconds;

//temporary seconds holder
let tempSeconds = totalSeconds;

// calculates number of days, hours, minutes and seconds from a given number of seconds
const convert = (value, inSeconds) => {
if (value > inSeconds) {
    let x = value % inSeconds;
    tempSeconds = x;
    return (value - x) / inSeconds;
else {
    return 0;

//sets seconds
const setSeconds = (s) => {
document.querySelector("#seconds").textContent = s + "s";

//sets minutes
const setMinutes = (m) => {
document.querySelector("#minutes").textContent = m + "m";

//sets hours
const setHours = (h) => {
document.querySelector("#hours").textContent = h + "h";

//sets Days
const setDays = (d) => {
document.querySelector("#days").textContent = d + "d";

// Update the count down every 1 second
var x = setInterval(() => {
//clears countdown when all seconds are counted
if (totalSeconds <= 0) {
setDays(convert(tempSeconds, 24 * 60 * 60));
setHours(convert(tempSeconds, 60 * 60));
setMinutes(convert(tempSeconds, 60));
setSeconds(tempSeconds == 60 ? 59 : tempSeconds);
tempSeconds = totalSeconds;
}, 1000);


Thats all that is needed create a countdown timer. Hope you enjoyed the tutorial. See you in the next.